Monday, September 22, 2008

Yahoo! Avatars

Thing #2

I was really impressed with all the information that could be virtually at our fingertips. The list of tools available was almost overwhelming. I admit that half of them I had never heard of. Things such as social bookmarks, social networking and wikis are new terms to me. The ideas made me feel like we really have entered the 21st century, now we need to catch up!

We have access to anything and everything, we just have to make the choice and run with it. For those of us who may be a little intimidated by the idea, start out small, but start! The potential for students to abuse the privilege is always going to be there. We can’t let that stop us from moving forward. Instead we should reward the students who show responsibility and penalize the ones who make the wrong choices. How dull it will be for the student to sit with pencil and paper while the rest of the class uses laptops.

Thing #1

Well first of all I just want to say how excited I am about this whole process. I have been trying to start my own blog for about a year now. My sister has a wonderful blog and I really enjoy keeping up with her family by reading and enjoying the great pictures she posts. She has really shown her creative side. I'm looking forward to trying it myself.

So the habit I think is the most challenging for me will be habit number 3;
View problems as challenges, or another opportunity to learn. I tend to get very frustrated if I can't get something to work the second or third time I try. I will have to learn to be a little more patient and really focus on the fact that this is a learning process. It may not all happen at the click of a mouse :)

The habit I think is the easiest for me is habit 71/2. Take time to play. I love to play. I have no problem with making time to play. Almost every weekend we have a family game night. I play sudoku and word games online pretty regularly and I read for pleasure daily. I have a lot of various interests and I truly enjoy surfing the web pursuing those.

Lastly the habit that I think will be most important during this class is habit number 6. Use technology to my advantage. I'm sure that not all of the "Things" are going to be easy so I plan on using the internet to my advantage. YouTube has been my saviour on more than one occasion.

So there you have it.
My very first "Things" post!